Why is Whois information important?
Whois information contains details about the owner of a domain name. This information is important for determining who runs a website or organization.
How to do a Whois lookup?
Whois lookup can be done using online tools or through the command line. To find the Whois information for a domain name, you can use online Whois search tools or the command “whois domain.com” from the command line.
How is the privacy of Whois information protected?
You can use Whois privacy services to protect the confidentiality of Whois information. These services protect personal information and restrict public access to Whois details.
How does GDPR affect Whois information?
Since the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union (EU), Whois information is also regulated under the GDPR. The GDPR was put in place to ensure the protection of personal data.
What kind of information does Whois information contain?
Whois information contains details about the owner of a domain name. It usually consists of the registrant or operator of the domain name, contact information, domain registration date and expiration date.