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Full Stack Developer

Full Stack Developer

Front End Developer

About Company  

The Company  özgü positioned itself as a Fintech leader, pioneering revolutionary practices such as  trading, blockchain and machine-learning-based investment products. MBL Finance is a regulated and secure platform, operating in full transparency with its clients’ interest in mind.

We are growing fast and seeking a Senior Frontend Developer to help us take our product to the next level.

About The Role

Our Frontend developer will deal with areas of focus – our management UI and professional services.

Collaborating with the rest of the engineering team to design and launch new features end-to-end.

What would make you a good fit?

Passion for frontend infrastructure, technologies and best practices.

Capable and willing toon building a high quality frontend application

Develop customized user interfaces for existing web and mobile-based applications.

A team player who thinks big.


Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science or a related field is an advantage

Experienced in Frontend architecture and design

Over 3 years of front­end software development experience with JavaScript/TypeScipt

Strong knowledge in HTML5 and CSS, cross browser compatibility and web standards

Çağdaş JavaScript (ES6 syntax, promises, async-await)

Experience with using frameworks like Angular2+, React or others

Hands-on experience with frontend module bundlers (advantage for Webpack)

Proven experience with the React Native platform

Proven experience in REST API

Architectural thinking with solid understanding of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

Excellent communication skills and an eye for details

Self-learning, highly motivated and a team player!

Nice To Have

Hands-on experience with NodeJs.

Familiarity with databases (MySQL), web servers (Apache & Nginx)

Full- stack developer

The Company  özgü positioned itself as a Fintech leader, pioneering revolutionary practices such as  trading, blockchain and machine-learning-based investment products. Company is a regulated and secure platform, operating in full transparency with its clients’ interest in mind.

We are growing fast and seeking a Senior Frontend Developer to help us take our product to the next level.

About The Role

We are looking for a Full Stack Developer to maintain our existing codebase and systems and also develop end-to-end features. You’ll be responsible for the full software development life cycle. As a Full Stack Developer, you should be comfortable around both front-end and back-end coding languages, development frameworks and third-party libraries. You should also be a team player with a knack for visual design and utility.


Develop customized user interfaces for existing web and mobile-based applications.

Work with product managers

Have end to end ownership: Design, build, ship, measure and maintain our services (databases, server instances, apps, back-office and more)

Deliver tasks independently and responsibly



Knowledge of multiple front-end languages and libraries (HTML/ CSS, JavaScript)

Proven experience with the React Native platform

Experience/Proficiency in React/Redux

Familiarity with databases (MySQL), web servers (Apache & Nginx)

PHP – Good understanding of the language

Experienced with WordPress in both dynamic and static sites

Nice To Have

Hands-on experience with NodeJs.

Backend developer

About Company

The Company  özgü positioned itself as a Fintech leader, pioneering revolutionary practices such as  trading, blockchain and machine-learning-based investment products. Company is a regulated and secure platform, operating in full transparency with its cl…


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